Tuesday, December 12, 2017

What was the mark of the Beast? "The number 666"

Bringing the scientific and religious community together with the truth, "the words truth and fact can be synonymous."

Simple Bible Translations with proper understanding of idioms, metaphors and mannerisms of the Aramaic language of that day, are very clear for one with an Aramaic language back ground.

What does the mark of the beast (666) or six hundred sixty six in Revelation mean? 

One must consider the fact, that writing and sending coded messages, in the Biblical days, was common due to persecutions by the Romans. John tells us that only one who has understanding can decipher the code. One would have to know the Aramaic, Hebrew alphabet to break the code. The Romans in the area spoke mostly Greek and did official business in Latin, the official language of Rome. The natives of that area and time spoke Aramaic (the language of Jesus and John and the Disciples) and probably had to learn some Greek, to converse with the conquering Romans. Revelation was written some time after Jesus death, so Greek and Latin would continue to be more common in the area, due to the continued influence of the occupying Romans. If one were to write something in code, they would write it in a code or language for some to understand and others not too. Those familiar with the Aramaic /Hebrew alphabet (those of Jesus and John and the Disciples) could understand and those familiar with Greek or Latin (those of Romans and Roman influence) probably would not.

Now, John clearly said, "for it is the code number of the name of a man". Every letter in the Aramaic/Hebrew alphabet is also a number. For example the letter "A" aleph Aramaic, is also the number "1" the letter "B" beth Aramaic, is the number "2" and the letter "g" gamel Aramaic, is also the number "3". The name of the beast in Aramaic is NRON KSR, Nero Caesar. "N" is 50, "R" is 200, "O" is 6, "N" is 50, "K" is 100, "S" is 60, "R" is 200. When you add all those numbers or letters up you get six hundred sixty six (666), which at the same time spells the name of "Nero Caesar". It is just that simple, Semitic language alphabets had alphanumeric equivalents and so did the Greek and Latin alphabet. The beast is Nero Caesar; he was the emperor who began the persecution of the Christian movement. His reign would also correspond with the time right before the writing of Revelation.

But, John said in Revelation, He causeth men to receive a mark in their right hand or foreheads; and that no man might buy or sell , save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. For it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.I would think, just more Idiomatic Expressions of an Aramaic origin that most westerners would not understand and have taken literally or have translated to the literal meaning. In that day and language, laymen referred to your right hand as your Works or actions and your forehead as your mind or thoughts. "To receive the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead" merely indicates the enslavement of ones actions or works (right hand) and mind (forehead) to that which is of violence, injustice or the mark of the beast (Nero Caesar(666) the ruling Christian persecutor. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name". By this time, the Romans had occupied the area for years. It is more than likely, they would be using Roman money or coins that had the Emperor Nero Caesars name and inscription on them, or mark of the beast, or the name of the beast. So, one would not be able to buy and sell without the money of the beast, (Nero Caesar) the Roman conquerors, and those of the New World Order, not to mention, persecutors of Christians and purveyors of injustice on the probable author of Revelation (John). "I don't know, vicious beasts and fiery dragon", perhaps idiomatic expressions for political powers or dictators that persecute truth, justice, and even subdue mankind. Remember, nearly all the Disciples were killed by the political forces of the day. John himself, was dropped in hot oil then banished to an island in the Aegean sea, where it is said, he had written Revelation.  Link...

John said: "For it is the code number of the name of a man."

The letters of the languages of the day all had numeric values. Greek, Latin, Hebrew/Aramaic.

Nero's name in Aramaic is (NRON KSR) Every name or word in Aramaic has a numeric value.
  • N = 50
  • R = 200
  • O = 6
  • N = 50
  • K = 100
  • S = 60
  • R = 200
nron ksr (50 + 200 + 6 + 50 + 100 + 60 + 200) = 666

Nero's name in Greek (Kaiser Neron) represented by Hebrew letters (qsr nrwn), which also function as numbers
  • q = 60
  • s = 100
  • r = 200
  • n = 50
  • r = 200
  • w = 6
  • n = 50
qsr nrwn (60 + 100 + 200 + 50 + 200+ 6 + 50)

Nero's name in Latin (Neron) represented by letters, which also function as numbers
  • N = 50
  • E = 6
  • R = 500
  • O = 60
  • N = 50
neron (50 + 6 + 500 + 60 + 50) = 666


What is Prayer? What Prayer May Not Be! 

Your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him

The Aramaic word for prayer is slotha. This literally means" to trap" or "to set a trap." Thus prayer implies setting your mind like a trap so you may catch the thoughts of God" - in other words, "to trap the inner guidance and impulses that come from your inner spiritual source." Prayer can also mean a state of mind in which we still our personal thoughts and project nothing outward, almost as if, one was receiving from within. It is an alert state of total sensitivity, attentiveness and awareness. One could say, one is adjusting and preparing their minds and hearts to receive Gods program. The following Biblical phrases come to mind, "Be still and Know That I am God", "Let go and let God" or "Meditate Unceasingly."What Prayer May Not BE!A prayer is not "telling God" what to do. God knows how to run the universe! We do not need to remind God of our needs or ask for things, nor do we need too for our friends and relatives. "Thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men." (Matthew 6:5) "And when you are praying, be not babbling like the pagans, for they are expecting that through the abundance of words that they will be heard. Thus, do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him." (Matthew 6:7-8)What Prayer May BeSo, prayer may not be "telling God," but it may be listening to what God would tell us. The purpose of prayer is not to change God, but to change us. We can consciously work with this inner intelligence or knowing to guide us in solving problems we face in life. "When thou prayest, enter into thy secret chamber, and shut thy door, and pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee in openness. (Matthew 6:6) This is why Jesus gave us this form of prayer. Prayer is our means of hearing or knowing the quiet gentle voice of the loving presence we call God. "I and my Father are one." (John 10:30) Or could the translation be, "I and my Father are in agreement."

Translation of the Lords Prayer from Aramaic to English

Most biblical scholars believe the language Jesus spoke was Aramaic. The following is a literal translation of what we call the Lords Prayer Matthew 6:9-13. Jesus told them to pray this way. The short phrase "this way" means to pray "something like this". 

 Our Father who is everywhere (heavens)

Let Your name be set apart.Come Your Kingdom (counsel).

Let Your will (desire) be, as in the universe, also on earth.

Provide us needful (bread) from day to day.And (forgive) us from our (offenses), as we (forgive) our (offenders). 

And do not let us enter into temptation (materialism), but separate us from (error) .

 For belongs to You the kingdom, the power, and the song and the praise. 

From all ages throughout all ages. Amen (sealed in trust, truth, and faithfulness.)

 (Words in brackets are other possible synonyms, where there are not exact language translations) (bread or bread of life can also refer to Eternal Truth or the true and eternal teaching) (Translated from the Aramaic Peshitta text) Source: Dr Rocco A. Errico(Biblical Scholar and Aramaic Language Expert) If you have ever wondered what the lords prayer (Our Father), would sound like, spoken in the original language that Jesus spoke, go to the link below to hear it spoken by an Aramaic language expert.

Hear The Lords Prayer Spoken as Jesus did in Aramaic. 

Hear the Lords Prayer Sang in The Language Jesus and the Disciples Spoke 

(Aramaic)Hear the Aramaic language, the language most biblical scholars agree that Jesus spoke. 

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