Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Proper translations of the book we know as The Bible.

It is the writers intention to seek and find the truth within the ancient texts of what we now call the Bible, using the proper translations from the original Semitic languages of Hebrew and Aramaic. Most of the prophets would have spoken either Hebrew or Aramaic. With that in mind, one would have to consider the Near Eastern culture of the times, the proper translations from the Semitic language to English, the best use of synonyms, and the understanding of the idioms(figures of speech) of the day. Most Biblical scholars now agree that the language that Jesus and the Disciples spoke was Aramaic. This blog will concentrate on the translations and interpretations from the earliest and validated Hebrew and Aramaic text, comparing it with the Greek text and translations therein the western or English Bible of today.

The term Bible was not used in the old Semitic languages of Hebrew or Aramaic. The English word Bible comes from the old french bible that was derived from the Greek word biblia which meant "books". The original term for the Bible was "Scriptures" or "the Writings". The term Bible came about when the Greek word for scriptures was translated into Latin and the word biblia was substituted to show a collection or library of books. To understand or know what was written in the original or earliest scriptures, one must come at the English translations from a Near Eastern/Aramaic /Hebrew point of view. In Hebrew the name for the Bible is torah. Most scholars translate this Semitic word as the "Law". The torah originally referred to the first five books of Moses, Genesis through Deuteronomy. Later on the Jewish people also used torah to refer to the entire Hebrew sacred writings.( see Tanakh). The Aramaic speaking Semites call the sacred writing auretha. Both torah and auretha derive from the Semitic root yrh and mean "to teach," "to instruct" and by inference "to enlighten". Therefore, the early portions of the book we call "The Bible" is a book of directions, teachings, or enlightenment. One must always consider the Near Eastern culture and times when trying to understand the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament sometimes called the Greek Testament or Greek Scriptures, and sometimes also New Covenant.

And Then There was Light: DR. Rocco A. Errico (Noohra Foundation)


Anonymous said...

Good post.

Anonymous said...

oldhebrew lettering code is not for speaking but for writing and decoding only without steady definitions


the sequences are in numeric like 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22 only

there is no "final" letters or any "vovel" signs used in flawed versions like "codexes"

also if group sequence is used like falsely described and/or mistranslated from greek "septuaginta" of so called "leviticus11:2" where the sequence is 18-1-11-6-12 the metod of decifhering is via "root" of old written only codes like:


"strons exhaustive concordance" 18th. century definitions can be used for that (remembering to avoid "vovels" and "capital" letterings for codes cannot be brone like in computer command or programming languages where 1 dot "." if missed then there is FAILURE (like in observing "spetuaginta" or "english version")

that is why one might understand that persecutions of the jews were caused by the fraud of "septuaginta" "english" version earlier 'latin" version and/or "german" codexes which brought disaster on germany and the rest of the world

information on the topic one can find in universities in north america (still non communist) and or was described in "jerusalem post" that codes were placed in the computer like test where it was found that sequences are existing like every 50 th. letters combined and read in a steady without break sequences forward and backward are directing one to steady improvements and not towards COMMUNISM...(!)

Anonymous said...

also if group sequence is used like falsely described and/or mistranslated from greek "septuaginta" of so called "leviticus11:2" where the sequence is 18-1-11-6-12 the metod of decifhering is via "root" of old written only codes like:


that sequence also mistacenly broken into "group" is also falsely deciphered as "english version" bringing diseases wars and other catastrophy to western world via mr. beacon who later after he became "letterknowlegeable" was named "sir" the title then given only to "writeable" person (like jews)

18-1 one has to find additional letter to fit that code (for the lack of precise definition) the first one is is code number 5 (HA) meaning-excrement (to go out)

1-11 is "surely perfections"

11-6 is "window for study"

6-12 (6) is beget


12-6 is "not"

6-11 is "adversity (training)"

11-1 is "spoil"

1-18 (12) is "separate-refuse-select"





p.s remember to use "synonym finder" and do not disturb "established order" for whole universities in all major "religions" were/are duped by NON-JEWS because of obstinacy and other factors ...

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Anonymous said...

Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions

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Good evening

Awesome post, just want to say thanks for the share

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